Getting your flirt on the right way and letting your crush know you’re serious!

We have all been there, crushing on someone and not knowing how to show them you’re into them, that feeling can get awkward. The over-thinking, the self-criticism. Fact is, we all do it but there are things we can do to boost that possible love-connection. And you don’t need to pile on make up, flip your hair or pretend to be a person that you’re not, just being yourself should be enough, right?
First things first, start by striking up a conversation
This can be harder than it sounds and there’s a lot of pressure. Instead of sitting there and second guessing every topic you can come up with, just start simple (“Hey, what’s up?) and then you can start to change gears naturally by bringing up a topic that you know your crush might be into. “Are you going to the game tonight?” “How are your classes going?” Or “Do you have any concerts you are excited attend this year?”
Just like any conversation you have a with a friend, if you can start talking about topics that you both enjoy, chances are, regardless the person, they are going to love talking and it will even put them in a brighter mood.
Just remember, don’t over think, the anxiety will cause awkwardness that truthfully isn’t needed. Have you ever made a friend and then realized how silly it was to be nervous in the first place? It’s the same topic here, just be proud of who you are, create conversation and be yourself. If your crush is interested they will likely attempt to ask questions as well.
Creating conversation is key
Create that flirtation from across the room.
You can be sitting in class and still flirt. It’s all in the eyes (now that doesn’t mean stare them down and start licking your lips in odd ways) it just means, make eye contact, you’ve got to focus on locking eyes a few times with that crush of yours because it will create a fluttery sensation and even boosts attraction.
Try the three-second rule. Just look, count to three and then look away. It gives the “crush,” just enough time to notice that you were gazing, not mauling them down with your eyes.
Remember to stay in the present moment
You cannot control whether a person is going to “fall for you,” and that means you can finally let go of all those thoughts consuming your mind. Don’t worry about whether they will like you back, or how your impression is coming across. Don’t focus on anything besides flirting and being yourself.
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Stay chill. And try your hardest to lose yourself in the conversation you’re having with your new friend. And always remember, being friends first can create the best future relationships. You don’t need to rush anything, just talk and have fun.
If you feel that you’re starting to get nervous, take that deep breath and remember it’s just your mind playing tricks on you.
Stay confident
The best feeling in the world (for most people) is knowing that people adore you (male or female). It’s okay to leave that impression that you adore what they do in school, in sports or even in life. Regardless of who you are in the world, feeling special is one thing we look for in a partner. Don’t be scared of to give your crush compliments.
Again, don’t over think our compliments, they can be as simple as “I love your hair,” “your shirt is super cute,” or you can direct it to something specific they do. “Nice job at the game last night.”
Do and Don’ts.
Never ever ask about a person’s ex-girlfriend or boyfriend. There is no reason to dive into the past. It’s also a huge turn off. If the person you are crushing on wants to talk about it because they feel like blowing some steam then they most certainly will bring up the topic. You also risk looking quite jealous or needy.
Don’t be someone who you are not, when you start hiding who you truly are, you tend to attract people who aren’t a good match for you in life.
One important rule, remember body language. Make an effort to never cross your arms, look at your phone or seem “uninterested,” because your nervous. It seems to send that message of “I’m not interested in you,” and you can always be attentive to that body language of your crush, if they are rushing you, texting someone else or just not paying attention then maybe they are nervous. But most times, it’s a good signal that you can move on to better people.
Don’t be hurt just because your crush is not into you. It just means there is someone better out there for you. After all, that’s what dating is about, right?
How has dating been for you? Do you have any pet peeves? Let us know in the comments below!