Leah Remini raising awareness about the Church of Scientology!

When you grow up in a church that emotionally abuses you, causes your loved ones to abuse you and you feel trapped, it’s a horrible feeling. One of the many churches has been the Church of Scientology. Leah Remini has been speaking up about the church since her departure. And they haven’t been taking the negative news lightly. But she has kept her strength and worked hard at using her platform to raise her voice and concerns about the religious organization.
Leah Remini has been using her platform to speak up on Scientology and it’s alleged abuse within her former religion. Newsweek reports previewing Season 3 of Scientology and the Aftermath Remini speaks up about its abuse.
She took to social media and uploaded the image to the left with the caption:
“Thank you to everyone at the @televisionacad for this nomination. Thank you to our dedicated team. And an astronomical thank you to our contributors who were brave enough to tell their stories of the vicious and destructive doctrine of the Church of Scientology. To our fellow nominees…we are all motivated, when creating our respective shows, to share stories for the people who felt their stories weren’t shared. From VICE-HBO, StarTalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson, David Letterman to Anthony Bourdain we all felt a duty to give light to people from all walks of life. Bourdain once said, “Without… a willingness to ask questions and try new things, we shall surely become static, repetitive, and moribund.” To Anthony and his team, a huge congrats for your well-deserved nomination, to his fans and those who loved him, we send our heartfelt condolences, and may he Rest In Peace. #Emmys #ScientologyTheAftermath
normand.beechYo @leahremini I don’t like you disrespecting me Scientology friends mate, okay, because just because if they are like a cult and be scammin’ people out of $$$$$ doesn’t mean that you have the right to critique them for being unethical cause what if someone called a scam or cult you started a ‘scam’ huh? What would you think? I bet you wouldn’t like it much! So pay more respect to those peoples because no scam – fraudulent or not – should be hated on just cause their opinions on manipulating peoples for monetary gain differ from your own. #speaktruth”
She has suggested that the Church of Scientology has “dialed up” their attacks against her.

Newsweek also reported how intense it has been for her during this season.
“It has been worse this season than any other season for us and for our contributors,” Remini, 48, said Saturday on Ron Miscavige’s Life After Scientology podcast. “They are kind of dialing up the attacks in that they’re going after people who are not used to this. They’re going after people who are just good men and women who are saying, ‘Listen, I wasn’t a Scientologist, but I was willing to speak out,’ or, ‘I want to know where my family member is after watching Going Clear and listening to what happened to everyone at the Gold Base.'”
“They’re getting stonewalled again and getting attacked by Scientology. This is happening every day…Every day that we have filmed the show, there has been some kind of attack from either Scientology…or just regular parishioners that they’re activating to attack,” Remini added.
The road hasn’t been easy as Remini was raised in the Catholic church. But at the age of 9, she became a Scientologist when her mother joined the questionable religious organization.
It was in 2003, Leah Remini left.

A&E has renewed the Scientology series for season 3!
In her show, there have been some huge claims including one stating David Miscavige may have beaten his staff. Multiple people have been interviewed in the show, and many have reported this claim as true. During one episode, Leah Remini talks to former staff members Jeff Hawkins and Tom Devocht. They spoke about their personal experiences with Miscavige.
“[David] was a mean guy,” said Hawkins, who worked in marketing for the organization. “David Miscavige physically assaulted me five separate times.” He talked about one incident specifically. “[David] just keeps working himself into a tizzy. Then, finally, he jumps up on the table, launches himself at me, knocks me back against the partition wall, starts hammering my face, knocks me down on the floor. I was scratched up. My shirt was ripped off.”
It’s also been said that members have to pay in order to be interrogated.
If you remember, in the first episode, Remini opens up about Scientology and their officials approach to allegedly question members of the organization. They especially like to do this if they believe the accused person might have committed a crime against the religious beliefs. After the interrogation sessions, they make the accused pay for the sessions, and the amounts are ridiculously high, as amounts range the hundreds of dollars-per-hour spent with the accused person.
Cheatsheat shares more jaw-dropping accusations.
That’s only the beginning there are many documentaries out that revealing the truth about Scientology. And we’re glad that Leah Remini has been working on raising awareness about the issue.
The journey began after her departure. Remini wrote a tell-all about her experiences called “Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology.” You’ll find that within the book she speaks up about losing $5-million-dollars to church.
That tell-all was followed up by “Scientology and the Aftermath,” which debuted on A&E in November 2016.

Many remember Leah Remini from the characters she’s played from television series and films, including Old School (2003), Fired Up (1997) and The King of Queens (1998). The gorgeous lady is taken and has been married to Angelo Pagan since e July 19, 2003.
Pagan is a producer and best known for his work on Swordfish (2001), The King of Queens (1998) and Hawthorne (2009).
The series has shed light on so much that the world didn’t know about the Church of Scientology.
If you haven’t seen their previews check them out below! And be sure to let us know what you think in the comments!
We also want to give Leah Remini a shout-out, thank you for the autograph (you can check that out in the slide below), it’s going in our PCG magazine studio, you rock! Thank you for continuing to shed light on such an emotional topic. You’re amazing and your family, friends, and fans support you.
Blessed be!
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Criticism from the Church of Scientology | Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath | A&E
A&E Documentary Series
Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath – Season 2 Trailer | New Season Tuesdays | A&E
Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath – The Threat of Disconnection (Bonus) | A&E