Happy New Year 2019: How to keep your resolutions!
“May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall!” – Aleister Crowley

It’s that time of the year again, New Years day. It’s the one day the world celebrates the past and future by making a new years resolution.
A new year’s resolution is our attempt at bettering our lives and future. But are we focusing on our resolutions the right way?
When we think of a goal, many times we shoot to high and become discouraged. It’s not that you can’t meet the goal but there are steps that come with meeting any goal. Think of them as stepping stones over a river.
Each stone has a trial, whether that be your first job interview, a struggle attempting to keep you from your goal or even money situations can damper our goals. That’s why it’s important to create an idea with short-term goals that lead to the big one, your new year’s resolution.
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Another example would be losing weight, many have sworn to keeping a healthy diet and getting “back to normal,” but we focus so much on what the scale says that we become discouraged. If you are one who made a resolution to lose weight then shoot by setting goals such as going to the gym for 3-days straight (apps help motivate you) and then up that next week to 4-days a week, eventually it will become a pleasurable and fulfilling habit. Then you can peek at the scale because the worry for “instant results,” has been replaced with actual love for taking care of your body. But by the time you look at the scale you’ll be sure to see a difference in two area’s your mind and body.
So, what’s the best way to go about your 2019 New Year’s resolution?
There’s no right or wrong answer, as we are all different individuals. Whatever way you go, be sure to set up the stepping stones of success. If you find yourself discouraged, don’t give up, you owe it to yourself because you deserve it, we all do.
What are the top 10 most popular New Year resolutions?
- Skydiving.
- Losing weight.
- Quit smoking, drinking or other.
- Get a new job.
- Get out of debt.
- Save money.
- Eat healthier.
- Get organized.
- Charity.
- Spend more time with family.
As you can see there are endless amounts of choices. And you don’t have to choose one, sometimes, everything plays into one another. Whatever it is, get it because we truly deserve happiness. And we all deserve to smile because of our hard work.
I write this in the hopes of motivating you and myself. As humans we are far from perfect, so it’s nice to have that reminder. Here’s to a fantastic year of success, happiness and new memories.
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What better way to start off with some good vibes! And if you’re not up for an email, feel free to give our Facebook page a like, we love good vibes!
Blessed be and Happy New Year 2019!
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