Mac Miller: The legacy he left with family, friends, and fans.

There aren’t words that can justify how difficult today will be for Mac Miller’s family, friends and fans.
Miller wasn’t shy about his battles and always talked about his feelings through his music.
He always told people, if they want to know him, to listen to his jams.
In fact, in his song “Come Back to Earth,” he raps “Tell myself to hold on/I can feel my fingers slipping/In a motherfucking instant I’ll be gone.”
Billboard did an interview with Miller in August 2015. The former singer opened up about thoughts he would often face.
“Before I was super-insular all the time, just staying in a room by myself, and it’s so easy to paint this horrible picture of life when you’re not giving yourself a chance to live it. I was too worried about the legacy that I would leave behind — how I would be remembered if I died,” he shared.
However, he shouldn’t have worried. Mac did great things and left behind a legacy that will never be forgotten.
Additionally, fans who truly

“That was my whole thing. Like, you never know, man, so I’ve got to make sure I make all this music so when I die there’s albums and albums. But now, I’m going to make sure I do some shit in life, too.” He shared. “It just eats at your mind, doing drugs every single day, every second. It’s rough on your body. That was the plan with Faces’ [closing song]. ‘Grand Finale’ was supposed to be the last song I made on earth. I don’t feel that way as much anymore.”
The rapper was only 23-years-old when he spoke to Billboard, with this in mind, it’s extremely obvious those thoughts continued on, could you imagine how difficult it would be in the limelight facing those battles?
Nevertheless, the former rapper still struggled but constantly attempted to remain “healthier.”

“I was afraid of what my life had become. But once you just breathe and relax, you come to terms with it. This is my life, I enjoy it, and it’s OK that I enjoy it. It’s OK that I’m young and rich. Let’s have fun. You’ve got to look in the mirror and tell yourself to stop being a little bitch: ‘OK, dude, you’re 23 and this is your f**king life. Go out there and do it, stop hiding,’ because that was me before… I’m not 100 percent clean, but I’m not a piece of shit anymore. I can look in the mirror and be like, ‘I look OK.'”
Today is Malcolm James McCormick’s birthday. And sharing the legacy he left is all he could have ever wanted in life, especially, if he passed onto the afterlife.
Man, let’s get real, Mac made it as a successful rapper out of Pittsburgh. That shit takes work, he was devoted and constantly exercised his creativity. Further, his passing has affected people in and out of the industry, very deeply.
Drake dedicated his song “Emotionless,” to Mac Miller during his Boston concert. And G-Eazy opened up to his fans at his Tampa Bay concert. He performed “Everything Will Be Ok,” and an image of Mac was projected onto a screen behind him. G-Eazy gave the crowd a few words of wisdom during this emotional moment.
“Appreciate the moment, be present in it, tell people you love you care about them,” before adding “Mac Miller, you changed my fucking world.” He also took to Instagram and shared his love for his friend with two different images and captions.
“@g_eazy: Performed everything will be ok for you tonight and fuckin broke down on stage. Rest peacefully bro, we miss you.”
Prior to his performance, he shared a picture of the
“@g_eazy: Completely devastated and heart-broken I’m at a loss for words mac you were like a brother to me and were there for me in the hardest of times, especially this summer. I can’t believe this is real. Please tell your friends and the people you care about you love them life is so fucking fragile. You will be missed and your music will live on forever through the millions of people you touched. Thank you for all you gave us, love you bro.”
Frankie Grande also took to Instagram and shared a story, one that truly proves Malcolm’s heart was pure love.
@frankiejgrande: I am beyond heartbroken over Malcolm’s death. He was a good friend and was wonderful to my sister. He was the reason I went to the rehabilitation center where I was detoxed safely from all of the drugs alcohol and medications I was taking when I couldn’t imagine living without them.
It was the place where I found the community of support that showed me that living life without drugs was a possibility and I would never have discovered that if it weren’t for Malcolm.
I remember when I would get 30, 60, 90 days clean and Malcolm would be there with a gift and a card and words of encouragement… telling me that he knew how hard getting sober is and how impressed he was that I was succeeding.Addiction is a TERRIBLE disease… many people are suffering from addiction like I am and many many of them are losing. Those of us who are struggling with addiction must stay strong. We must continue to work HARD on ourselves every single day and help each other.
Our disease is strong but WE ARE STRONGER and I vow to work every moment of my life to keep myself sober so that i may be there for others. This is a difficult road but YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TRUDGE IT ALONE. To anyone who needs help, help is there. you just need to have the courage to ask, which I know can be EXTREMELY difficult… but when you do I GUARANTEE support will be there. do not be ashamed if you are losing the battle against addiction, shame feeds the disease, humility defeats it. please ask for help! you are NOT ALONE! I am here… and I will continue to be here… for you…
Malcolm my friend, you will be dearly missed. and I know you will be looking down on me from heaven, proudAF for every day I live my life clean and sober… 453 days and counting… Thank you from the bottom of my heart 🙏💖
AA: (212) 870-3400
NA: (818) 773-9999
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: :800-273-9255”

Additionally, John Mayer opened up about the former singer.
“@Johnmayer: This was going to be Mac Miller’s year. He made a quantum leap in his music. That’s incredibly hard to do, to evolve and get better and more focused while your career is already underway.
You don’t get there without a lot of work, and Mac had put the work in. I didn’t expect to play on his album the day he played some songs for me at his house, but when I heard “Small Worlds,” I gave it a short, chirpy little “yup,” which is the highest praise I can give a track. It means we don’t need to say another word, it’s going down.
I grabbed the nearest guitar in the room and within a couple of hours, we had finished a tune that made me so incredibly happy to have a part in, not to mention we established a nice little friendship. He was so funny I just kind of stopped typing “LOL” back in our texts.
Mac was, to me, on permanent LOL status. I gave him whatever guidance I thought I had the right to, having been through the press ringer in the past and wanting him to understand that none of that noise could ever really take a bite out of the music he was about to put out.
The last time I saw him, he was playing Hotel Cafe’ in Los Angeles for a crowd of 100 people.
He was nervous, and honest about it with the audience. I thought that was so endearing, especially seeing as he would go on to play one of the best sets I’d seen in a very long time. His band was unreal. You gotta know that if you weren’t familiar with Mac Miller, you were about to be, whether you would have seen him at a festival, or a friend was going to catch a show and tell everyone they knew about it (like I did.) Mac put in the work. He made his best album and formed the band that was weeks away from becoming a breakout live sensation. Believe me when I say that. I send my love and support to everyone who knew him better because what relative little I did, I just adored.”
Damn, it hits hard to read all these messages but it just goes to show how much of a positive influence Miller was to all those in and around his life.
One Reddit one user ( yu/morriscode__) shared their personal story about Mac and his influence.
“Mac Miller is the reason why I am swimming today. I have mentioned that in a previous comment before. 2019 is the year of self care which was inspired because of Mac. He wants all of us to be happy and wants all of us to face our demons. This year I want to be positive, happy, organized and ready to face whatever faces me. Thank you Mac. For everything.”
As for me?

Mac Miller the legend of the world.
It’s not easy in the limelight and somehow he still managed to touch all of our lives.
There’s a song that leads to memories for each of us. Honestly, we each have some kind of deep connection as a family (fans included).
Mac Miller is the most dope as are his fans.
We miss you dude, Rest in paradise, we love you and thank you for the legacy you left behind…
I know he’s lookin’ down on us right now, smiling. Proud of the legacy he spent so much time working hard to achieve.
He’s saved lives and he is still saving lives.
Blessed be.
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