Positive Celeb Exclusive: TikTok’s Trey Obenchain talks his singing and LGBTQ journey.

As always, we love to shout out those bright souls on TikTok who make others smile even on their hardest days.
Trey Obenchain opens up about his life in our official interview and special welcome to Positive Celeb as one of our brand-new, quite talented writers.
On the early years:
I was born in Sanford ,NC but didn’t grow up there. We moved around a lot as a kid. Lived my first five years in Oklahoma and then moved back to North Carolina where we kept moving to different areas.
When I was a kid I used to dream of being a singer. That was the big dream but as I grew up I was told that dream wasn’t very reasonable.
I then started telling people that I wanted to be a veterinarian.
That was something more reachable in everyone’s eyes.
On following his music career:
Fortunately, that changed a year ago when I posted my first songs and then I kinda got caught up in life.
My earliest memories of me writing my songs is around my 7th grade year. I was going through a lot at the time, so writing was my outlet for my emotions. It’s taken a lot to even bring myself to finally show these public.
I’m on many social media.
On LGBTQ+ support
My LGBTQ+ support is something I put everywhere.
Being a trans-male in today’s society is hard as it is with being any part of the LGBTQ+. Some of us are so scared to come out that we never do. So it’s important for people like me with a strong voice and have come out to be that voice for those who don’t have one of their own.
On TikTok and his fanbase:
TikTok is normally my main app and where I tried to promote my music but nothing ever came of that. I have Instagram as well where I can be reached.
On his role models in life:
The person I would really call my role model is my mom. She’s always been this strong woman that I could look up to. Alright call me a mama’s boy but, it’s the truth and she’s always been my biggest supporter.
On making a dream, reality:
I would have to say the thing I’m most proud of is having the guts to get back into my music. I for the longest forgot about my music and my writing. So I’m the proudest of my ability to take back something I enjoyed.
On his personal music:
Some things I would like fans to know is most of my music is based on my life and things I’ve experienced. Some of it of course are just lyrics but most of it is like a rant for me when I write and sing. My music is a part of me and means a lot to me.
Inspiring, to say the least, and not only that, Trey has joined our team here on Positive Celeb.
Be sure to give him a follow and keep up-to-date with the latest positive celebrity gossip and entertainment news via email by subscribing to our Newsletter.
Booking Trey Obenchain:
If you are interested in contacting Trey Obenchain for please check out our contact page or you can email us directly:
Be sure to have your project name, requirements and a cover letter.
Laura Margosian (talent agent): pcgmagazine@positivecelebrity.news
Trey Obenchain: TreyObenchain@positivecelebrity.news

Blessed be!