Hulu Binge: One Tree Hill left us with these life lessons.
One Tree Hill left us with these life lessons and a hulu binge!
Being that many have time on their hands, a good way to pass some of our quarantine time would be watching a good TV-series, especially one which leaves you hanging, causing the perfect Hulu binge.
Are you ready for the “One Tree Hill,” hulu binge?
Truthfully, “One Tree Hill,” was written with purpose and it delivered, the show is set in the fictional town of “Tree Hill,” in North Carolina.
Further, the stars that make the show amazing, Lucas Scott (Chad Michael Murray) and Nathan Scott (James Lafferty) have amazing growth through-out the Hulu binge series.
13 Reasons Why and One Tree Hill
13 Reasons Why was graphic but honest, and One Tree Hill in comparison, teaches some very similar lessons, including a school shooting, or wishing you could change the course of your life, mental health, parents, school and life in general.
In fact, there is a monologue from “One Tree Hill,” that stands out:
“If you could go back and change just one thing about your life, would you? And if you did, would that change make your life better? Or would that change ultimately break your heart? Or break the heart of another? Would you choose an entirely different path? Or would you change just one thing? Just one moment. One moment that you always wanted back.”
The Hulu hit series is worth the watch, everything was on-point, including the cinematography, talent playing their roles perfectly, as well as the writing being true to reality, and very relatable.
If you didn’t know, the show was written by Mark Schwhn, and truthfully, his writing was powerful, emotional, relatable and most importantly, left us with many lessons about life.

Have you ever taken the time to listen to the opening monologues because they bring so much understanding about the world and characters?
“Sometimes, it’s easy to feel like you’re the only one in the world who’s struggling, who’s frustrated, or unsatisfied, or barely getting by. That feeling is a lie.
And if you just hold on, just find the courage to face it all for another day, someone or something will find you and make it all okay…
Because we all need a little help sometimes, someone to help us hear the music in the world, to remind us that it won’t always be this way.
That someone is out there, and that someone will find you.”
Sadly, some people feel the show has been inappropriate due to the situations each of the characters face, including, love, sex, deception, loss, and pain.
Regardless, the best part of being a creative is sharing the fact, life is not ideal and it never will become ideal and perfect.
Blunt is perfect for learning.
The truth, best friends all go through a hardships and their life lessons.
Could it be true, one could avoid a mistake by learning from another?
On common sense media, one user (William. W) had the perfect review for the show as a whole:
“My daughter’s started to watch the show when they were 13.
My wife and I weren’t really comfortable with it at first, but we watched the first episode with them.
We thought it was a very good show and they were old enough and responsible enough to watch it.
There are some sex scenes, but only about virgins.
I thought it gave positive messages and it inspired my girls to get more active in sports and ever since they watched the show, it seems as if we have a closer relationship.”
Teens drink, teens do have sex, teens do become addicted to drugs, teens do have a hard time with their sexuality, that alone will never change.
The cast always look to make a positive change in the world.
“Sophia Bush, of the TV show One Tree Hill receives her food from Serkan Keskin.
39th Force Support Squadron at the dining facility Monday, Nov. 23, 2009, at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey.
Ms. Bush, Austin Nichols, of the television show One Tree Hill.
And Milo Ventimiglia, of the television show Heroes visited the base as part of a United Service Organizations celebrity handshake tour.
Fortunately, if you haven’t seen the show yet, check out the trailer, grab some snacks, and get ready for your Hulu binge!
Oh, and if you have watched it, what did it teach you?
Blessed be.