Love is scary, love is brave.

Issues in relationships arise because both parties might feel as though the world’s opinion about their connection is negative. But LGBTQ love is, at times, scary.
Further, causing damage to self esteem, a support system, and most importantly, the feeling of acceptance and love.
Sadly, there are always going to be those who put you down and behave toxically.
And that’s one thing many people in the LGBTQ community face on a daily basis, all due to the fact that it’s “taboo,” and not “normalized,” for many people.
All and all, we can all relate to having memories from a certain where seeing a person of the same sex, and being attracted to both personality and physically.
For example, one Reddit user (RennzyFeist) opened up to another in support of being a lesbian:

“Honestly, it’s terrifying sometimes. It almost feels like you’re swimming against the tide. I always asked myself “is this really okay?” only to realize that the anxiety that stemmed from that fueled the confusion.
Besides, you already took the first step into coming to terms with yourself! The only thing that should change now that you’re living as a gay person is being happier.”
All things considered, coming out and being open with family and friends can be scary and draining emotionally.
Truthfully, I have yet to meet a person who doesn’t have a family member making a big deal about who you were and who they want you to be, and that’s the type of relationship that can cause a feeling of rejection.
Rejection hurts, it’s the one thing in life we all hate, and it falls into so many categories, including work, another example of feeling rejected.
Even worse, there are those who are stuck so far into their belief system they forgot how to love all people endlessly, because we are all unique.
The battles are constant, but that doesn’t mean we should give up on ourselves.
As a result, many stay in the closet and some take their own lives.
Did you know Utah has a high rate for suicide? Of course, there is a religious aspect in play.
Fortunately, Utah also celebrates the LGBTQ movement often (aside from Corona being around).
In case you missed it, Utah also has a high population of active Mormons (The Church of Latter Day Saints), leaving many LGBTQ teens without support.

“Don’t try to be brave all at once. Take it in steps.”
Moving Forward
This one right here is important because not everyone is going to approve of your relationship, they will have pre-judgements and they harbor them to the core.
And it feels terrible to know that people are talking behind your back, calling the ones you love ‘homewrecker,’ and so many other hurtful words.
Which, in truth is sad, communication can never be reversed and that’s why it’s critical to think about what you say before you say it, especially if you’re attempting to be supportive.
I am an ex-Mormon
Truth. I am an ex-Mormon and I can’t share how liberating that feels.
Equally important, I’m no longer blocking out my love for female anatomy, persona, and just the way a relationship feels in that regard.
I’m not afraid to be myself anymore even though people think our relationships is a flaw.
The point is, proving those who had their name in your mouth wrong. And we all will.
Lastly, our whole household is happy, nobody is depressed, yet the judgement continues, and that’s life.
So, fuck what society wants you to be, and just live the way you want to live. And always make sure you love is brave!
Blessed be.