7 New Year’s resolution ideas for 2017! | Positive Celebrity News and Gossip

7 New Year’s resolution ideas for 2017!

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7 New Year’s resolution ideas for 2017!

7 New Year's resolution ideas for 2017!
New Year’s Resolution Ideas!


Change is unavoidable when transitioning to a new year. Change to improve yourself and your life is humbling and it can even be fun. That’s why a lot of people like to set New Year’s resolutions. There are so many things we can do to improve our life including saving money, doing more service work, finding a new job, going back to school or even creating a list of New Year’s resolution ideas to help improve your life as a whole.

Did you know it has been said that the first people to come up with New Year’s resolution ideas were the ancient Babylonians? They were the first people to create these new year’s goals 4,000 years ago. And they even held celebrations to honor the new year. They made promises to the Gods their worshiped. If the Babylonians kept their New Year’s resolution the pagan Gods would honor a favor for the new year but if not, they would fall out of their gods favor and that wasn’t a place they wanted to live.

But for Christians it became tradition to come up with new year’s resolution ideas to resolve past mistakes and do better in the future. Setting new goals is key when you want to improve your life. And that’s why we came up with some New Year’s resolution ideas to consider applying for New Year’s 2017!

Remember, when you set a new year’s resolution, it’s important to pick goals that are achievable.

1. Meditation

Life can be stressful and sometimes it can wear you down and make it hard to focus. But there are certain things you can do rather than taking medication to help with stress. Natural is always a good way to keep the body healthy. If you are one who tends to get stressed out with life, it might be a good idea to incorporate mediation into your life.

You can make it a resolution to meditate at least 3 times a week. Science has proven that meditation has many benefits including, improving your mood, lessening anxiety, helping you focus, refreshing your brain like a reset button, improving perception and helping you make better choices in life.

This is one of the best New Year’s resolution ideas because it can really shape how you handle the rest of your life stressors in the future and improve your reactions to negative news. And we all know life can be good but there’s never a year without a little bad news.

2. Learning new things daily.

Did you know if you read one page on a specific subject a day, by the end of the year you’ll become an expert on the topic? That’s right, we feel that one really fantastic New Year’s resolution idea is to make it a goal to learn something new everyday. And with our smart phones at the tip of our fingers, it should be easy to pull up something new daily. Just pick a subject you love a lot and go for it. New Year’s resolution ideas don’t have to be boring, they can be activities you enjoy. It makes achieving the goal even easier.

3. Try something new everyday

Facing your fears can be quite rewarding. Do you ever find yourself saying ‘I don’t think I could ever do that?’ Are you afraid of heights? Or maybe you don’t know how to swim. You can take those fears and smash them by setting New Year’s resolution to conquer your fears. All you have to do is try something new everyday. It doesn’t matter if it’s as simple as going on hike to face your fear of heights, learning to swim or even going to college.

Fear holds us back so much in life. Why not smash them with New Year’s resolution ideas that will destroy any fears you’ve had in the past?

4. Volunteer

Volunteering can be quite rewarding. There are so many people in the world have a lot less than we could ever imagine. And you can get out there and help make the world a better place by simply donating some time to help feed the homeless, clean up a park or even donate money to a good cause. One of my favorite New Year’s resolution ideas is to spend one day a week volunteering your time to help others. It’s rewarding, it feels good and you can make someone smile.

Life can get busy but it shouldn’t be so busy that you can’t lend someone a helping hand. You can even do something as simple as wash a neighbors car, help someone paint their fence or even go down to the homeless shelter and help feed the hungry.

You’d be amazed how fantastic it feels to make others smile. It always brightens your life as well.

5. Increase your spirituality.

Having a good attitude can make or break most situations in your life. It doesn’t matter what or who you believe in as long as you feel spirituality fed. If you feel you’re missing a ‘certain something,’ in your life—maybe it’s time to find that ‘spirituality,’ and add it to your life.

This can mean going to church, doing good for others or simply adding some peace to your life. When you feel good, it’s impossible for it to not rub off on others and I’m a strong believer in the laws of attraction. If you think positive you’ll attract positivity.

If you can manage to increase your spirituality as one of your New Year’s resolution ideas then you might just see an improvement in all areas of your life.

6. Watch a new movie every week

This one is a fun New Year’s resolution idea. Simply watch a new movie every week. It’s fun and it gives you the time to relax. We all go about our crazy lives and sometimes it feels like you never have time for yourself. Once a week, grab a new movie, your comfy blanket and a snack and unwind on the couch. The relaxation will be sure to refresh you for the upcoming week.

7. Go to the gym

This one might be one of the most cliché New Year’s resolution ideas on the list but it has so many benefits. Going to the gym not only helps you physically, mentally and emotionally. It keeps you feeling good in general. It doesn’t matter if you go to the gym for just 30 minutes a day. You are doing something fantastic for your body, mind and soul.

Going to the gym is refreshing and it literally does help you relax by releasing those feel good endorphin’s. If there’s one good New Year’s resolution idea out there, it’s going to be this one because it tends to improve your life in more than one way.

What are some of your own favorite New Year’s resolution ideas? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe to our positive celebrity gossip Newsletter.

Blessed be.

50 New Years Resolution Ideas | FOR 2016

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