7 Christmas traditions to start celebrating with your spouse!

Christmas traditions have been a way for families to celebrate the holidays and create unforgettable memories. Everything from decorating the Christmas tree with the kids, baking holiday goodies and even feeding the homeless are a part of the Christmas traditions. But have you ever stopped to wonder what traditions you can create at home with your hubby?
Traditions can help strengthen the foundation of marriage and that’s why we came up with 7 Christmas traditions you can start with your significant other this year.
1. Sending those holiday cards.
It’s time to get creative with your Christmas cards. Now that you’re married you can design a couples holiday card and send it out to your family and friends. Holiday cards give you the opportunity to blend themes and send that important message to everyone you love in life.
It gives you both the opportunity to get creative and even share a brand-new Christmas themed holiday picture with your family and friends. Don’t you just love getting those cards that are unique from your friends? Now it’s your turn to have a new holiday card every year. Just imagine how fun it will be to look back on them in years from today.
Memories are forever and pictures make them even better.
2. The 12 days of Christmas
This one might seem a little corny but it’s actually a lot of fun. You guys can celebrate the 12 days of Christmas by doing small things for one another. This will not only help your partner smile but it will also give you both a reason to smile each day. Surprising your love with something big or small can help reduce holiday stress and put a huge positive spin on one another.
What’s better than seeing your significant other smile from ear to ear?
3. Volunteer
I know it might seem like you already have a lot of stress but did you know that service work can actually reduce stress? The holidays can be extremely stressful but if you take some time away from your real life and help others who are less fortunate, you might find yourself a lot less stressed because you’re getting away from your normal holiday planning.
I’ve done it many times and it’s like a mini holiday vacation. Plus, you get to meet amazing people while you make a difference in the world.
4. Have friends over for a holiday party
Christmas traditions don’t have to be stressful, in fact you can even have a fun “ugly,” holiday sweater party. This makes for some good laughs and memories with your family and friends. Every year we love to throw a party and have our friends over. We end up having an ‘ugly sweater,’ contest, enjoying drinks, sharing memories and watching a few fun Christmas movies.
It’s one of our favorite Christmas traditions.
5. Attend a new play every year
Have you ever seen a holiday play? There are so many local plays and events that you can go see with your love during the holidays. These plays usually bring a lot of Christmas spirit into the hearts of those watch and they can really help you feel that holiday spirit.
What’s better than sitting down with the one you love most and watching other people celebrate by telling a story that means a lot to them? Plus, it’s a great way to destress.
6. Christmas movie binge
This one has to be my favorite. We love to start a fire, turn on the TV and watch some classic Christmas films. First, we start with some of our favorite animations and work our way through a list until Christmas day. It gives us the night to cuddle with one another and create some bonding memories. A lot of times these films will bring up memories form our childhood and we end up learning some fun stuff about one another.
7. Sing carols and bring goodies to neighbors
This tradition can bring the Christmas spirit into the hearts of other people. Grab your partner and bake some cookies and start delivering them to your neighbors. You can get a group together and sing carols before giving out the goodies—or you can keep it simple. Trust us, you’re neighbors will love the goodies and they won’t forget you.
It’s always a blast to cook together and singing carols can be fun all on it’s own. The important thing is to do what makes you most comfortable and have fun while you’re doing it!
Celebrating Christmas and creating new Christmas traditions doesn’t have to be stressful. When you get into the groove of creating traditions they can quickly become de-stressors in your life and you’ll look forward to doing them every-single year. What are some of your favorite family Christmas traditions? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe to our Newsletter.
Blessed be and happy holidays!
Top 21 Popular Christmas Songs and Carols Playlist 2016 🎅
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