Army Wives: The drama, the love and the reality of being an Army spouse!

Positive Celebrity Rating: 8.5/10
Army Wives is still quite the addicting show, Positive Celebrity first watched the show in 2007. The ups and downs of being a army wife come with challenges, worries and good memories.
The 7 season show takes its viewers into a world of unknown. Although, for those who currently can, the show hits the nail on the head.
One user on IMDB (scrabtree-3) shared their thoughts on the show and how relatable it truly is for those who are enlisted.
“I have been on 3 sides of this fight. I have been in the military myself, then I married an enlisted man and finally, my enlisted husband became an officer. As for the comments that the “male” officer had to say, all I can say is, you were never a wife.
Ellen Pompeo opens up about difficulties on Gray’s Anatomy.
Every wife, both enlisted and officer has their own stories to tell. I can tell you from personal experiences that the show is textbook cases for any wife of the military and many husbands of the military.
It’s a great show that responds well for the wives and children of the military and the experiences and hardships that they face each day. I have watched wives begin affairs or come close to it, I have watched as wives marched into the commander’s office demanding the commander lay off their husband and yes, I have seen officer’s wives get differential treatment at a medical facility.
The thing to remember, although the military network is a much tighter network, so many of these things also take place in the civilian world…so why would it be so hard to believe?”
Of course, there are always viewers who don’t feel the show was good but to those who can relate, it’s a story filled with truth, a series that can even help you cope while your love is on the other side of the world.
Another high profile reviewer on IMDB (Hammerchick77047) opened up about the negative reviews, confirming the show has a very realistic approach to their life.
“I disagree with the first review of the show. As an Army Wife myself, I can say that the show was relatively realistic in our portrayal.
The plot lines were interesting. Remember, it’s only the first show. They’re not going to jump into everything at once.
Sit back and watch the show develop. While I understand that the first reviewer dealt with Army Wives, he WASN’T an Army Wife.
It’s an entirely different world. Again, that was the pilot episode. It makes no sense to jump into everything right away. Let the show develop, then decide if you like the show.
I personally felt no disservice. Also, you were an officer. Much of the show was based on the Private’s wife as she entered the military world. Being an enlisted wife is much different than being an officer’s wife. I can safely say this with experience.”
As many of you know, there was a time in my life where I also, was an “army wife.”
I watched the show while my ex-husband was in boot camp and stationed in Texas. Sadly, I quickly learned that not all men are faithful.
In fact, one of the most relatable trials in the show is cheating. The show made it easier for me to stand up for what I deserved, which was better. Most importantly, I learned that not all men in the Navy are unfaithful.
The show might have dropped in 2007 but it was a successful show, with a wrap up that will have you saying “wow.”
Haven’t seen the show yet?
The good news is you can catch all the seasons on Amazon Prime, iTunes, Vudu, YouTube, Google Play and ABC!
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Blessed be!